Throughout scripture, God casts vision. Like any good leader, he shows his followers where his plan is going, and the benefits they will reap from being part of that plan. In the big picture sense, His vision gives us a glimpse of what the reconciliation of creation and Creator will look like. God has the long view in mind at all times, since he sees the whole of existence, past present and future. As humans we struggle with grasping that of course, finite and flawed as we are, so God also casts smaller visions throughout his Word.
In Ezekiel 12, God has the prophet pack up all his belongings and live in a tent, physically acting out the exile that Israel is about to be stricken by. God is trying to impress upon his people the need for repentance and change, trying to scare them straight with the consequences of their continued disobedience.
In marriage, as in life, having a clear vision is critical! It lays out a plan, it sets forth goals and identifies potential problems so that strategies for success can be formulated. Vision by itself however, will not result in victory. Those strategies must be carried out. Those goals must be worked for. The book of James lays this out quite clearly with its theme of “faith without works is dead.” At the end of Ezekiel 12 (22-25), God also echoes this sentiment.
What is this proverb you have in the land of Israel: ‘The days go by and every vision comes to nothing’? Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will no longer quote it in Israel.’ The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled. For there will be no more false visions or flattering divinations among the people of Israel. But I the Lord will speak what I will, and fulfill it without delay.
Through studying of the Bible, a couple can come to understand God’s plan for their union. They can read Gary Chapman’s “Five Love Languages,” go through the twelve weeks of Tommy nelson’s “Song of Solomon” series, and fill out the whole workbook from Kevin Leman’s “Making the Most of Marriage.” They can read blogs and listen to podcasts from a multitude of solid Christian writers and speakers. None of it will matter though if they don’t commit to action on the lessons they learn. As we go into summer, promise each other that you will do the work necessary to achieve the things God has called you to as a couple.
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